The AHRC mourns the loss of life at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh this morning. We are here to support the entire Jewish community in Arlington in the wake of this unleashing of violent hatred in a house of worship and in a tight knit Jewish community. This act of violence is also particularly horrific for our refugee and immigrant communities, who were a source of the shooter’s vitriol and hatred. We commend all synagogues who, like Tree of Life, celebrated HIAS’s National Refugee Shabbat last week, including Temple Shir Tikvah in Winchester, Temple Emunah Lexington and Temple Isaiah - Lexington, MA. We in Arlington stand with the Jewish community, the refugee community and all who stand up against hatred and bigotry in all forms. We will continue to encourage, promote and embrace the diversity of our community and make Arlington a place that is welcoming for all.
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